What Is The Darkest Legal Tint In South Carolina

What Is The Darkest Legal Tint In South Carolina, <h1>What Is The Darkest Legal Tint In South Carolina</h1> <h2>Introduction</h2> <p> Tinted windows, Blog, what-is-the-darkest-legal-tint-in-south-carolina, KampionLite

What Is The Darkest Legal Tint In South Carolina


Tinted windows have become a popular feature in automotive customization. However, it is important to understand the laws and regulations surrounding window tinting in each state. In this article, we will explore the laws related to window tinting in South Carolina. Specifically, we will focus on the darkest legal tint allowed in South Carolina and the associated regulations. It is crucial to abide by these laws to avoid any legal penalties or fines. Let’s dive in and explore the topic in more detail.

Understanding Window Tinting Laws in South Carolina

Before discussing the darkest legal tint in South Carolina, it is essential to understand the general guidelines and regulations for window tinting in the state. The laws regarding window tinting in South Carolina are primarily based on the visible light transmission (VLT) percentage of the window film. The VLT percentage refers to the amount of light that can pass through the window film. The lower the VLT percentage, the darker the tint.

General Guidelines

In South Carolina, the laws regarding window tinting differ for various types of vehicles, such as passenger cars, multi-purpose vehicles (MPVs), and trucks. The following are the general guidelines for window tinting in South Carolina:

  1. All windows, including the windshield, must allow more than 27% VLT.
  2. Non-reflective tint is allowed on the top six inches of the windshield.
  3. Front side windows must have more than 27% VLT.
  4. Rear side windows and the rear window can have any level of darkness.

Medical Exceptions

South Carolina allows medical exceptions for window tinting. If you have a medical condition that requires you to limit your exposure to sunlight, you can apply for an exemption. However, the exemption must be approved by the South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). Additionally, you must carry the exemption certificate in your vehicle at all times.

The Darkest Legal Tint Limit in South Carolina

In South Carolina, the darkest legal tint limit depends on the type of vehicle. Let’s look at the specific regulations for each type of vehicle:

Passenger Cars

For passenger cars, South Carolina law allows tinting on the rear side windows and the rear window without any restrictions on darkness. However, the front side windows must allow more than 27% VLT.

Multi-Purpose Vehicles (MPVs)

For MPVs, the same rules apply as for passenger cars. The rear side windows and the rear window can have any level of darkness, while the front side windows must allow more than 27% VLT.


Trucks are considered a separate category, and the rules for truck window tinting differ slightly from those of passenger cars and MPVs. Let’s explore the regulations for truck window tinting in South Carolina:

  1. Rear side windows and the rear window can have any level of darkness.
  2. The front side windows must allow more than 27% VLT.

Consequences of Breaking Window Tinting Laws in South Carolina

It is essential to adhere to the window tinting laws in South Carolina to avoid legal repercussions. Failure to comply with these laws can result in fines and other penalties. Let’s take a look at the consequences of breaking South Carolina’s window tinting laws:


If you are found to have window tint that violates South Carolina’s regulations, you can receive a fine. The amount of the fine depends on the severity of the violation. The first offense may result in a fine ranging from $25 to $200, while subsequent offenses can carry fines ranging from $50 to $500.

Inspection Sticker Revocation

In South Carolina, if your vehicle fails the window tint inspection, the inspector will affix a “rejected” sticker. This sticker indicates that your vehicle does not meet the legal standards for window tinting. You are required to remove the illegal tint and get a new inspection within a specified time frame. Failure to comply with this requirement can result in the revocation of your vehicle’s inspection sticker.

Increased Insurance Costs

Illegal window tint can also affect your auto insurance. Insurance companies may consider illegal modifications, such as dark window tint, as a violation of their terms and conditions. As a result, your insurance rates may increase, and you may face difficulties in finding affordable insurance coverage.


It is crucial to understand the laws and regulations surrounding window tinting in South Carolina to ensure compliance and avoid legal issues. The darkest legal tint limit in South Carolina depends on the type of vehicle, with passenger cars and MPVs allowing any level of darkness on the rear side windows and the rear window, while the front side windows must have more than 27% VLT. Trucks have similar regulations, but the front side windows must also allow more than 27% VLT. Breaking these laws can result in fines, inspection sticker revocation, and increased insurance costs. If you require a darker tint due to a medical condition, you can apply for a medical exemption, subject to approval. Following the regulations will help you enjoy your tinted windows while staying within the legal limits.



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