How To Make A Back Seat Extender For Dogs

How To Make A Back Seat Extender For Dogs, <h1>How To Make A Back Seat Extender For Dogs</h1> <h2>Introduction</h2> <p>Traveling with your, Blog, how-to-make-a-back-seat-extender-for-dogs, KampionLite

How To Make A Back Seat Extender For Dogs


Traveling with your furry friend can be an enjoyable experience, but it can also be quite challenging, especially when it comes to ensuring their comfort and safety in the car. One way to make your dog’s car ride more comfortable is by providing them with a back seat extender. In this article, we will guide you through the process of making a back seat extender for dogs, ensuring that your beloved canine friend can travel with you in style and comfort.

Materials Needed:

  • Plywood sheet
  • Measuring tape
  • Saw
  • Sandpaper
  • Pet-friendly paint or sealant
  • Wood screws
  • Drill
  • Rope or bungee cords

Step-by-Step Instructions:

1. Measure Your Car’s Back Seat

The first step in making a back seat extender for your dog is to measure the size of your car’s back seat area. Start by measuring the width of the seat and the distance from the back of the front seats to the backrest of the back seat. These measurements will determine the size of the plywood sheet you will need for the extender.

2. Cut the Plywood Sheet

Using the measurements obtained in the previous step, mark the dimensions on the plywood sheet. Use a saw to cut the plywood according to the marked dimensions. Be sure to double-check your measurements before cutting to ensure accuracy.

3. Sand the Edges

After cutting the plywood sheet, use sandpaper to smooth out any rough edges or splinters. This step is essential to prevent any injuries or discomfort for your dog during car rides. Make sure to sand all sides and corners of the plywood sheet.

4. Paint or Seal the Plywood

Applying a pet-friendly paint or sealant to the plywood is crucial to protect it from moisture and make it easier to clean. Choose a product specifically designed for pet use to ensure it is safe for your dog. Apply multiple coats as recommended by the manufacturer and allow sufficient drying time between coats.

5. Attach the Plywood to the Back Seat

Place the plywood sheet on the back seat of your car, ensuring that it covers the entire seat area. Use a drill to create pilot holes in the plywood and then attach it to the seat using wood screws. The number of screws needed will depend on the size of the plywood and the stability required. Make sure the plywood is securely attached to prevent any accidents or movement during car rides.

6. Secure the Extender in Place

To further secure the back seat extender, attach ropes or bungee cords to the headrests of the front seats and the backrest of the extender. This will prevent the extender from sliding or moving during car rides, ensuring your dog’s safety and comfort.

7. Test the Back Seat Extender

Before letting your dog sit in the back seat, it is essential to test the stability and safety of the extender. Sit on the extender yourself and gently apply pressure to ensure it can withstand the weight and movement of your dog. Make any necessary adjustments or reinforcements if required.

8. Add a Non-Slip Mat or Blanket

To enhance your dog’s comfort and prevent them from sliding around during car rides, place a non-slip mat or blanket on top of the back seat extender. This will provide your dog with a stable and comfortable surface to sit or lie on.

9. Provide Your Dog with a Comfortable Cushion

To make your dog’s car ride even more enjoyable, consider adding a cushion or soft bedding on top of the back seat extender. This will provide additional comfort, especially for long journeys.


Creating a back seat extender for dogs is a simple and cost-effective solution to ensure your furry friend’s comfort and safety during car rides. By following the step-by-step instructions provided in this article, you can easily construct a back seat extender tailored to your car’s specifications. Remember to always prioritize your dog’s well-being and provide a comfortable and secure environment for them while traveling.



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